Sunday 9 June 2013

Muslim Convert Arrested For Prince Harry Murder Attempt Also Made Jesus Christ Porn Film Attempt

A muslim convert who wanted to murder Prince Harry tried to make a sick porn film about Jesus, it has been revealed.

Serial conman Mark Townley, who changed his name to Ashraf Islam, set out to shoot the tawdry flick as one in a long line of dodgy get-rich-quick schemes.

The film was to be called Jesus Christ Porn Star and fraudster Townley even got as far as hiring actresses and filming sleazy scenes.

One showed him bearded, naked and hanging in a crucifixion pose while a woman prostrated herself, her fingers splayed across his chest.

The project soon fell apart, but it caused lasting distress to Townley’s devout Christian family.

His brother Jason said: “The porn movie idea was utterly disgusting and brought us a lot of shame. He had converted to Islam and yet he was making porn. It was just ridiculous.”

Jason spoke out after Townley, 30, heaped huge pain on long-suffering relatives by admitting planning to kill Army officer Harry.

He was arrested on May 23, the day after tragic soldier Lee Rigby was murdered in Woolwich, when he walked into a police station in Hounslow, West London, and confessed to a murder plot. 
Last weekend Townley, whose dad Joe and one of his three elder brothers both served in the Army, pleaded guilty in court to making threats to kill and is now in jail awaiting sentence. He could face up to ten years.

Jason said: “To be honest I don’t think he would ever take part in anything as big as this, it’s just that he likes to be in the spotlight. Whether there’s a fraud element to this, I don’t know. Whatever this is all about, we are disgusted.” Townley had already stunned his family by reinventing himself from a clean-shaven, suit-wearing “businessman” who set up 30 bogus firms to a hate-spouting fanatic.

He vanished for six months and re-emerged in beard and flowing robes, with tattoos on his head and a passport in his Muslim name.

The Islamic conversion was the latest twist in the saga of Townley, who grew up a normal little boy in a happy family in Bangor, Co Down. He began to go wrong as a teenager and descended into a life of deceit, debt and drug use.

He caused his family financial ruin and ended up with 32 convictions for scams in which he ripped off everyone from charities and sports clubs to aspiring models and ex-soldiers who wanted to work as bodyguards.

Last week bizarre photos emerged showing him in a dinner suit flanked by women wearing burkas, panties and stockings.

His family, who have now completely disowned him, said in a statement: “We are utterly disgusted at Mark’s involvement in this plot to kill Prince Harry and we offer apologies for any stress caused to the Royal Family. “This whole ordeal has been a massive shock.”

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