Thursday 7 August 2014

6 Major Turns Offs For Men. Ladies these kills a good relationship!

Ever wondered why a guy broke it off, did not return your calls and disappeared like a thief in the night?

Women are considered fragile but I’ve never seen anything as easily wounded as a man’s ego

I didn’t appreciate how fragile the male ego is until recently nor the extent to which men detest being emasculated.
Yelling at him and putting him down
Miscommunication happens, we’ve all seen how a minor disagreement can escalate into a huge blow up. You maybe adamant to get your opinion across but I guarantee you’re only setting yourself up for disaster by verbally abusing him especially early on, and doing so in public will repel him even more.
“A confident man simply won’t put up with a woman who openly disses him in front of others.”
Try and talk through your differences calmly and maturely as his pride will not entertain shouting and temper tantrums for long. Even if he does, the relationship is likely to sour and degenerate into a free for all, with mudslinging and insults from both sides. 
Meanwhile you will stretch the limits of your patience and lose faith in the opposite sex. Great! What a waste of energy.
As long as he’s being reasonable, show him that you can play fair by listening to what he has to say.

Comparing him to other men

Constantly bringing up past relationships to a new guy is a sign that you’re just not that into him. If you were you wouldn’t talk about anyone else to that extent. When he asks you about other men (in any capacity) spare his feelings.
He may say he’s fine with hearing every detail but in reality he only wants to know the surface stuff. Give him a summary then tell him you think he’s the best. Lol. Otherwise his bravado will kick into overdrive as he goes on the offensive about how great he is.

Nagging him to do better

My ex fiance had a penchant for staring at other women and he did not discriminate. Wherever we went he would find a stunner of any race to gawp at. At first I blamed myself then realized his behavior was ingrained in him long before I came along.
I would nag and nag him to stop until I turned blue, then one day after 3 months I left him because I couldn’t take his behavior anymore.
We reconciled and I noticed his transformation instantly! Of course I didn’t trust he would change for good yet he did.
Months later, I asked him why he reformed, he said, he made a decision to stop for himself as he recognized his behavior was a problem which lead him to being unfaithful. I guess men change when they are ready to change.

Competing with him

 He’s looking for a companion not competition.

Being too predictable

Falling in love is an unpredictable process. Though you may have an inkling that a guy likes you, unless he tells you – you still don’t know how much he likes you and neither does he. Not knowing means your mind wonders how he feels making the whole process unpredictable.
Discovering that you both feel the same way starts the process of falling in love. You cannot force someone to love you.
Attempting to control a person’s free will only ruins the process. Calling him too often in the beginning or initiating the first kiss makes dating predictable as his mind has no chance to wonder whether you feel the same way. He knows you like him. And once he knows how you feel, before he has figured out his own feelings, he is unlikely to fall in love with you. It’s as simple as that.

Blowing hot and cold

You like him but you don’t like him. Basically you like him when you’re bored or lonely or need an ego boost. Isn’t it cool getting all that attention? And he’s not even on a payroll.
Yes he serves a void but you waste years of your life going back and forth as you make-do with what he gives you until you meet better. Is he really worth it? 
Only you can answer that.

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