Thursday 14 August 2014

#Ebola in Nigeria, how Patrick Sawyer started it all

As Patrick sat in his office that morning,he could not shake off the feeling that something was wrong,the sound of his phone ringing startled him. It was a call from home,has he picked up the phone to answer,he knew there was problem. 

It was his uncle calling to let him know his twin sister Patricia had taken ill, she has been vomiting and she had a weird looking rashes all over her body. They were still running some test for her at the hospital where she was working as a nurse in Liberia before she took ill. 

Immediately,he knew he had to go home,he shared a bond with his sister so deep and he felt he had to be with her,considering the fact that he was a medical doctor,he knew he could give her better care and treatment. 

He was coming to Africa anyways for the scheduled Ecowas summit in Calabar, Nigeria. So stopping over at Liberia to see his sister and attend to her wouldn't be a problem. But she died before he got to her and all he had to do when he got home was to perform her burial rights. 

He was shocked on seeing his sister's corpse,she looked a shadow of herself as broken sores were evident all over her face,arms and legs,he remembered her robust and full of life.As the funeral procession gathered round,he gave her one last hug;his dearest twin sister,who was a part of him. 

A week had passed,he didn't know why he was feeling increasingly weak and had constant headaches,coupled with a sore throat? What could be wrong?

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