Monday 28 July 2014

Read what Hon. Patrick Obahiagbon has to say about president Jonathan's London campaign

A Metroline bus was spotted in London flying President Goodluck's 2015 presidential campaign poster.

This has got former Edo state lawmaker and the ''crinkum-crankum" crooner, Patrick "Igodomigodo" Obahiagbon. The politician who is a former house of rep member took to twitter to vent his 'unimaginable tumultous exacerbation' on the matter... Read Honourable Patrick's tweet after the cut:

"The London ads is the height of ineptitude... Talk about timing and desired effect and one is left with the impression of an irresponsible and insensitive Government."
Our politicians are becoming more stupid for thinking Nigerians are stupid. There is crisis everywhere in Nigeria ranging from joblessness, insecurity, corruption, oppression, lawlessness and many others and yet our politicians are busy fighting for their continuations in power.

...In Patience Jonathan's voice **There is God oooooo"

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