Wednesday 30 July 2014

UGBORODO: EPZ Committee Chair sues for peace

Ogidigben Export Processing Zone, EPZ Interface Committee Chairman, Barr Austin Oboroegbeyi has decried the renewed violence and destruction of property in Ugborodo communities that have extended to Warri town.

According to Barr. Oboroegbeyi, the destruction of property is alien to Ugborodo people, stressing that the Ugborodo tradition not only frowns seriously at it but also sanctions any one destroying his own property not to talk of destroying those of others.

“It is sad enough that there are inadequate houses in the area, one then wonders why the few ones people struggled to build are destroyed”, Oborogbeyi quipped.

The Ogidigben EPZ Committee leader stated further that the patriotic attempt of the Commander, Nigerian Navy Ship, NNS, Delta, Navy Capt Musa Gemu on Saturday 26th July 2014 to return displaced persons to their communities in Ugborodo regarded by some as forcing the people on them, cannot be an excuse to destroy property as seen a few days ago.
“Ugborodo major challenge today is to be united to face external problems.

I therefore plead that all parties should, without further delay provide the genuine platform to put the crisis behind. It is better to jaw-jaw than to war-war”, he added.
Barr. Oboroegbeyi also stressed very importantly that the factional crisis in Ugborodo started some years back and not with or because of the Ogidigben EPZ Interface Committee, made of representatives from both factions, adding that since its inauguration, the committee has been reaching out to ensure peace in Ugborodo for the benefits of the EPZ committee to be fully realized.

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